Rem Statement

Used to add comments to your code.


Rem text string


REALbasic's compiler will ignore any comments you enter using the Rem statement. Comments are not included in stand-alone applications.

The ' (apostrophe) or two forward slashes (//) can be used to comment code as well. Comments can appear on separate lines or on the same line as executable code, provided they are to the right of any code that will execute. Valid comments appear in the Code Editor in red by default. You can change the color of comments in Options (Preferences on Mac OS X).

The Ctrl+' keyboard shortcut (Command-' on Macintosh) toggles the selected lines of code between commented out and 'live' states. The Comment and Uncomment buttons in the Code Editor toolbar do the same thing.


The following code uses comments to document the results of Boolean comparisons:

Dim a, b, c, d As Boolean
a= True
b= False
d=a Or b Rem Evaluates to True
d=b And c Rem Evaluates to False

See Also

//, ' operators.